Do you feel like quitting?
Sometimes it might feel like quitting is the only answer. I’m there myself, so I honestly just wrote this for myself, but I’m hoping that there might be just one other person out there who can benefit from my struggles to make it worth it. It is incredibly challenging to stay inspired to help others, venture into new territories, or live beyond the confines of what society deems ‘normal.’ It’s overwhelmingly difficult to feel so passionately about something, yet find yourself unable to progress towards your goals because others aren’t on the same page. The sensation of your heart pounding with untapped passion can be suffocating when there’s no outlet for it. That’s why finding solace in a delta 8 disposable can be a godsend for alleviating stress and providing a moment of calm amidst the chaos. If playing casino games like slot gacor maxwin machines helps reduce your stress, you may visit an online casino once in a while.
I get it. I’ve been there. I am there and it’s tough. It’s like would anyone miss me if I quit? It’s tough Did I say that already?
So what’s a person to do when all hope seems lost, even though you have a burning desire that just won’t go away?
This one is the hardest for me, especially when I feel like quitting. Because I worry, if I stop then I won’t have the motivation to pick it back up again. A body in motion stays in motion. The same with my mind. When first starting out, it feels like every opportunity that comes along must be the one you’re supposed to take. I scramble trying to find every thing I can, trying to force them to work out, instead of letting them come naturally. Not that creating something new doesn’t mean going out of your comfort zone, working hard, or reminding people that you’re alive, but sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and really decide what you want to do. When you’re ready to give up, this is a must. Just stop running yourself ragged, stop forcing it, breathe and then decide what to do next.
Ask Yourself Why You Started and Is It Worth It?
Hindsight is 20/20. In those moments, when you feel like quitting, look back and think about why you started, is it still worth it? If it’s not worth it now, do you think the hardship will be worth it in the end? Will you regret giving up? These are the kinds of things you need to ask yourself. Based on the answers to these questions you can either leave now or continue with the rest of these steps.
Ask Yourself Why Are You Quitting
If you’re not sure, break it down. What are you struggling with, what are you succeeding with and how it’s impacting your view of the project overall. If you can identify what is causing you problems or dread, which might even be the step you’re on even though the steps leading up to that were your greatest success, then you might see that you’re hyper-focusing on a small part of the big picture. Sometimes, taking a break can provide clarity. offer shrooms that may help improve mood and manage stress, potentially aiding in reassessing your situation with a clearer mindset.
Ask Yourself What Would You Rather Be Doing?
If nothing compelling comes to mind, then you can take comfort in knowing you’re probably on the right track. Next, determine the next step you need to take to move you closer to your original destination. If something more compelling does come to mind, maybe rethink your next steps. When you are at your wit’s end and feel like quitting are the only times you’ll be able to ask yourself this question. To help improve your mood and manage stress, you can buy thca flower cheap online.
Quit Talking Negative
So we’re past asking questions. Now it’s time to take action. First, stop the negative self-talk. It’s not helping you or your situation. When working with people, which we all do every day, things can be difficult. They didn’t do what they were supposed to do on their end, which means you can’t complete the tasks on your end. Sometimes they don’t show up on time so you miss an opportunity, sometimes they forget, sometimes they miss a payment, sometimes they’re irresponsible. Although it’s important to not make excuses for your own pitfalls, it’s important to realize that everything is not on you. Their inability to make timely payments for your services isn’t on you and it doesn’t mean your work is unimportant. It means that they have responsibility problem and need to learn time and money management. Don’t let these kinds of people be the reason you feel like quitting. To help manage stress and uplift your mood, you can Buy Shrooms Online In Canada.
Acknowledge Your Struggles
Everyone struggles, no matter where they are in life. Most people don’t try to broadcast their failings or struggles. But KNOWING that other people do have them and still manage to put up something that amazes us outsiders, is pretty promising for us mere mortals. Acknowledging our struggles, even sharing our struggles takes their power away and takes the mystery out of them. We have them. Great. Let’s move on to finding a solutions. Sharing our struggles can be a powerful message and give up to those facing similar challenges.
Focus On The Solutions, Not the Problems
Now that you’ve acknowledged the problems, you’ve taken away their power. Now, you can focus on the solutions, which will bring new opportunities to your attention. Write down all your problems, then start working on possible solutions. It’s amazing what this simple shift in perspective will do for your well-being is amazing. Don’t focus on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do then let the rest follow in it’s own time.
Set A Microscopic Goal
Start small. We all have a list of things we need to do. We have to go to work, take care of the housework and get food ready for dinner, on top of all our goals to help us get to our dreams. It seems like it’s overwhelming and when nothing is working out, it’s easy to want to quit. What’s the point, right? A microscopic, manageable goal just shows you that you can make progress and you can feel that victory, which will you give you encouragement and motivation to try the next step.
Share Your Goals
Sharing your goals can be a powerful thing. It brings accountability into the picture, but it can also help you find people with like-minded goals. Finding people to join you on your journey can be such an encouraging process.
Be Proud
This is the final step. Whether you continue on or decide to quit, be proud of trying. Celebrate everything, the success, the failures (because those mean you tried) and those you’ve met along the way!
For this word i thank you. Today, im stressed. Im living in a shelter with Three children. I cant handle my dream right now cause its just a dream. Its Nursing school. But thank you for your inspiration.
What a beautiful dream! It’s all about making the small steps to make it there, once you’ve decided that’s worth it to keep going. I will praying that you receive an opportunity to take that next small step. It won’t be easy, but nothing worth it ever is. I’m so glad you came by today.
I think we all feel like quitting at some times or others, but this is a great reminder. Thanks for helping me remember to keep moving forward.
Thanks for reading!