What’s Your Color?
Often times we view ourselves in a more negative light than others see us, but we have to change our color. Rather than feed into this negativity it is often useful to view ourselves in a different perspective. We are artists of our own life. We have to take the ugly and mix with the beautiful to make something unique and useful to the world. Often I find, when I alter my color and have a different perspective I have a more uplifting, up more realistic view of myself.
However, it’s also easy to get an overly optimistic or inflated view of self, too. When this happens, we can send a cascade reaction of negative appraisals from others. This aforementioned response from others is often our own self-fulfilling prophecy and can be just as easily avoided as our own negative self-appraisal.
Change the Color
Try something new. On the one hand, self-esteem is important. On the other, acting superior to others can alienate us from the direct people we need to be in contact with. Changing our color, without changing the base of our canvas, can help us relate with others in a new way. Often they add to what we already have making a more colorful pictures.
So if I’m feeling blue, I should try yellow and if I’m green with envy I should try red. I find that the color I paint myself often offsets the unrealistic thinking I have, to reconnect with myself, to restore a healthy self-image and of course, to reconnect with humanity.
Sometimes, it’s easy to feel blue, but it’s important to remember that it’s up to us to paint our own canvases. Sometimes, it’s easy to use up all the other colors and then have to use up the blue before buying a new set, but it’s OK. Don’t let every day be ruined with the blues.
Don’t forget to save this pinspiration for later.