Be the Change

How to Show Gratitude to Teachers

Back to School

It’s important to start the school year of right and show our gratitude to teachers before they start the rocky journey of the new year.

I’m not in school, I don’t have children, and I really don’t participate in any school activities, but I do live in a college town and at the end of the year, the festivities always cause me to pause and reflect.

This post will be a more personal post about the teachers, who made a difference in my life. I will share a Back to School Teacher Survival Kit, as well. I also have a post about how to show teachers appreciation that you can refer to throughout the year.

It's time for school year reflections! Tell me about the teacher that changed your life and enter them in a contest to win a teacher survival kit!

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Words of Gratitude for Teachers

I never liked school that much. I was quiet and didn’t stand out. There were some good and great teachers, but for me there were three that stand out above the rest. They changed my life and without them, I definitely wouldn’t be the same. During this time and these school year reflections, I would like to tell you of my privilege to be in these teachers’ classes. I want to tell you how they changed my life. In the comments, I want you to tell me of the teacher that changed your life.

It's time for school year reflections! Tell me about the teacher that changed your life and enter them in a contest to win a teacher survival kit!

Early School Year Reflections

I didn’t start out with the best teachers and my first grade teacher was traumatic to say the least.

My second grade teacher Ms. Roach repair a lot of the damage my first grade teacher made. If it weren’t Ms. Roach’s kindness, I think I would have lost any motivation to try in school. As I look back and see the long-term impact my first grade teacher made, I know I would have no faith in me or my abilities. Ms. Roach was so kind and made me believe in myself again. She made me proud of myself again, which gave me courage to keep trying in school.

Health Careers Class

I had a lot of good teachers between second grade and my junior year, especially in math. It was my worst subject, but I had some teachers that really gave their best effort to help me. I had some awesome English teachers, a teacher who taught me a love for German sarcasm, a science teacher who fulfilled my dream of getting to dissect a sheep eyeball, and even some good history teachers.

I really couldn’t complain all that much, except I just didn’t fit in much, but everyone could say that. It wasn’t until I enrolled in CNA class for high school students I found the teacher who helped me shine, Mrs. Stratton.

I hope everyone has a chance to experience one of these teachers. Someone who sees the best in you and believes in you.

I mostly faded in the background of other classes, but for once my quietness was the strength. Mostly because it was her first time teaching and the class was full of clowns.

Each of the classes at the tech school had student leaders that represented their class. Mrs. Stratton chose me to be that leader. For the first time, I felt seen. She always said I was her rock, but the truth was she was mine.

It might seem like such a small thing, but being in her class changed how I saw myself and helped me through a difficult time period. I didn’t end up on the nursing path or anything related, but I couldn’t be more thankful for that time and the impact it had on my life.

Never Too Old

It’s always funny to see how one person can do that one thing that completely changes your life. The crazy thing is that you’re never too old for it to happen.

My final story is about a college professor. I had him for the first time in a biology class. He was a cool dude, but the last thing I wanted to do was take a environmental science class. You can read more about why I care about our environment, but it was Mr. Woods that finally got a hold of my attention. He helped me see the importance of environmental issues in a way that no one else had been able to.

From there, I learned all I could and waste management issues is the cause that caught my attention. I became obsessed in learning all I could about the waste in the vicious cycle of consumerism. I became even more obsessed when I learned about upcycling and it changed my whole outlook on life. Before, I was so pessimistic, but just knowing that someone could make such beautiful things out of trash was nothing short of a miracle. Instead of seeing myself as a waste, I saw myself as a work in progress.

How to Show Love to Teachers

Showing love and gratitude to teachers doesn’t have to be expensive or strenuous. A little understanding can go a long way.

How to Showing Empathy to Teachers

Teachers are trying to stay positive and make the best out of challenging circumstances. Even on a good day teachers commonly buy their own supplies, work long hours, and deal with developing personalities all day. Empathy can go a long way. Know they are working more than they ever have, and believe that they care about your kids more than they can say. Showing them that you understand and appreciate their position is a simple and powerful display of empathy.

How to Show Support to Teachers

 Teachers can always use help with school supplies. Ask your teachers if they have a wish list and then send them something with a supportive note. If you don’t have children in school, call a Title 1 school in your area and find out what their needs are. Think about doing a donation drive at the beginning of the school year to help teachers get off to a good start. If your playground surfaces lacks visual appeal and is a plain, uninspiring space, playground paintings can add color, creativity, and excitement, making it more attractive to children. School yard enhancements can help encourage kids to engage in physical activities while having fun.

How to Stay Positive

Whether you are a student or a parent, you won’t have a perfect school year. Tensions are running high and there are many opportunities for disappointment. However, despite your frustrations, please do not post negative comments on social media. Before you post, or send an email, take time to think about the content and your tone. An angry or accusatory email can truly ruin a teacher’s week. It is always okay to try to make changes or ask for clarification, but just be careful and kind with your words.

How to Encourage Teachers

 Sharing a little love and appreciation will always encourage your teachers. and there are so many ways to do it. You can show your gratitude for teachers’ hard work by sending a coffee or lunch. Or maybe craft a quick email to acknowledge who they are and the great job they are doing. Little things matter: cookies, flowers, cards, or simply an encouraging word can change your teacher’s day.

Sweet Messages for Teachers

The best thing about these sweet messages for teachers is that they can be shared at any time. In teaching, it can feel like you’re carrying all these little worlds on your shoulders but these encouraging messages can show that they’re not alone.

Share Your School Year Reflections

I always love hearing people’s stories of those special moments that change their life for the better. Please, tell me your story of the educator that changed your life for the better. These people should be cherished for doing what most people don’t take the time to do. Leave a comment below about your story of your favorite teacher and they will get a chance to win a Teacher Survival Kit. Be sure to share, so we can show those special people how much they mean to us.

It's time for school year reflections! Tell me about the teacher that changed your life and enter them in a contest to win a teacher survival kit!

Also, stay tuned for my next post when I announce the contest winner and a special post of 10 ways to show appreciation for our educators!

For more summer fun, check out these awesome blog posts!

Easy Plants for Kids to Grow– Little Sprouts Learning Garden

Nothing But Fun Summer Playlist– The Peculiar Treasure

It's time for school year reflections! Tell me about the teacher that changed your life and enter them in a contest to win a teacher survival kit!





8 thoughts on “How to Show Gratitude to Teachers

  1. My favorite teacher was not my teacher, but my daughter’s, Mrs. Howard. My daughter had a tough go of school at first and she went into Mrs. Howard’s class and her life was changed. Mrs. Howard was kind, thoughtful, and a constant source of kindness and understanding. She saved our tailspining school path and I will always be grateful. 🙂

  2. Mrs. Debbie Plumlee & Mrs. Teresa Phelps! I couldn’t choose between the two. Mrs. Phelps was my pre-school teacher. She had an in-home/on-farm pre-school. She poured her soul into her students and she still stays in touch with me until this day!

    Mrs. Plumbee was my second grade teacher. I remember coming into her classroom one day with tears streaming down my face because I was devastated that my dad wouldn’t give up cigarettes…I didn’t realize at that time how hard quitting was & my dad has now been smoke free for years:)… She let me climb up in her lap while she held me and spoke kind words to me. She waited until I had totally calmed down before she started class. An act that probably seems to small to her was HUGE to a little second grade girl.

  3. Wow, do I just have to pick one? LOL! I have had so many teachers affect me in positive ways. Jacqueline Bellamy is my boss and mentor at one of the colleges I teach for and she is amazing. She has inspired me and been one of my go to people for years! I am blessed beyond belief to know her. Tr

  4. Tracy Hinton i hope i spelled that right. I didn’t really like school so my favorite teacher now is Tracy and she is going through a lot right now and could use the things in your Wonderful bucket. So NICE of you to do this for a Teacher !!

  5. My favorite teacher is my mom, Brandy. She is always patient and helpful when I don’t understand my homework. She comes home from teaching Pre-K all day and sits at the table with my sister and me. She inspires me as a great teacher and mom!!

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