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Surviving College: 10 Ways to Thrift Your Way Through College

How to be Successful in College

Surviving college seems daunting, but with a bit of forethought and planning, it’s totally doable. It’s that time of the year when schools are out for the summer, seniors graduating, but now it’s time to start getting ready for college.

Surving college at thrift store

Surviving college boils down to a few things:

One: Making goals (And Sticking to Them).

Not just what you want the end result to be, but steps you’ll take to get there. These don’t just have to be about the education, but also connections you’d like to make, or other life goals you can accomplish in school.

There are many cute, fuzzy, sparkling things to distract you. Don’t fall for it. Make your goals and stick to them.

Two: Asking Questions and Trying New Things.

I didn’t do enough of this in college and still regret it. But if I had wrote my goals, then I also would have been better at this step. Instead, I only focused on finishing college. I just wanted to get in and get out. Now I realize, how much work is required for my life goals that I could have done, while still in school.

Be buddies with your professors, ask questions when you need to. Stay focused on completing your work, but don’t be afraid to take a class outside your major or join a club to make new connections. There’s a ton of resources that are available to college students that aren’t accessible once you’ve graduated, so take advantage of them!

Three: Staying Organized and Setting a Budget.

Time and money management are essential to surviving college. Follow a daily schedule, plan a time and place to study for at least one hour per class period. Keep your homework and projects organized so you can turn them on time. Most important, don’t procrastinate. When you get your homework done first, then you can actually instead of consciously, or subconsciously worrying about it. This also prevents homework from piling up when a project takes longer than you expect.

Money management is also difficult when you’re out on your own for the first time. So check out these ways to thrift your way through college.

Ways to Save Money as a College Student

Thrifting your way through college is the best way to get the most from your experience. Save money on some of most expensive or common items, and still get high quality education. When you’re not stressing on how to pay for your next meal, then you spend more time focused on your work


For some people, surviving college might mean finding a more affordable source for textbooks. My textbook list never got super outrageous, but they weren’t common enough to find at the resale store either.

Buy Books

Amazon and was my best friend for a while. Most of the textbooks I needed were available for much less. They also have a student discount for Amazon Prime that came in handy. Half Price Books is another great website to find discount textbooks. is another great site for buying textbooks for up to 90 percent cheaper than you would the campus bookstore.

Sell Books

A couple of years ago, I would resell the books on, but that site has been shut down. You can still sell your used textbooks on Amazon, Ebay, .

Rent Books

You can rent textbooks from I understand the reservations that might come with renting books, so Campus Book Rentals, is a great option for those who light to highlight or write in their books.


Most students seem to prefer actual books compared to e-books, however, there are some upsides to e-books. Vital Source claims to have e-books for up to 80 percent cheaper than campus bookstores. That’s quite a savings.

Thrifted Jeans

Sometimes it’s difficult to find that perfect pair of jeans. However, those brand new jeans often come at a price. Visit your favorite college town thrift store first, get acquianted with the style and brands they have for next time you’re in need.

Thrift Store Fashion

It’s no longer cool to brag about how much you spent on a top you’ll wear once. It’s common to get bored with things in your wardrobe, but instead of spending so much money on something you’ll wear once, you can find multiple unique outfits for a fraction of the cost. It’s also a cost-effective way to get nicer clothes for job interviews or presentations when you don’t necessarily have the adult job needed to pay for such clothes.

Some thrift stores, or consignment stores, might help you sell clothes back or trade your used clothes. Some places might even give you cash on the spot.

Thrifted Backpacks

Backpacks are little more difficult to find around the time school is starting. At the beginning of the summer, after school ends is the best time to find them. Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, and other local buy and sell groups are great places to look.

If your university has a campus thrift store, this would be the best place to look for affordable school related items such as backpacks, furniture and school supplies.

Furniture and Home Basics

Starting a new life in a new place can be expensive, especially if you’re furnishing your own apartment. Furniture, appliances and other home goods can cost a small fortune, but shopping smart can save you tons of money.

The best place to start is the university thrift store. Sometimes staff clean out the dorms, or students can drop off their unwanted items before moving out. Another great place is the local Habitat for Humanity. They have a wide variety of furniture and home goods for a discounted price.

In Conclusion

College can be one of the best experiences going into adulthood, but be careful or you could end up with a lot of debt or regrets. Leave a comment with your favorite thrifty college tips!

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