
Why is upcycling important?

What is Upcycling

Before we ask why is upcycling important, we have to define upcycling. Upcycling is also known as creative reuse, which is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value. It allows us to keep even single-use items in use indefinitely. Upcycling is the opposite of downcycling, which is the other face of the recycling process.

Upcycle vs Recycle

The important thing to remember about why is upcycling important is that it’s an entirely different concept than recycling.

Recycling turns the products back into their raw form or an equivalent product. Cans back into their raw form of aluminum. Plastic stays plastic. Paper gets made into more paper. It takes a lot of manpower, processing power and machinery for recycling to happen. Often times, the products are downcycled because they can’t be restored to the same quality of product. For example, we can only recycle paper seven times. Plastic bags often can’t be recycled at all.

Benefits of Upcycling

This why upcycling is so important. Upcycling is making new use from an old item making plarn (plastic yarn) with plastic bags or using a fruit net (not able to be recycled with current technology) and making it into a fruit net dish scrubber.  Or it can be putting a fresh funky coat of paint and new pulls on an otherwise trash destined old desk to give it appeal again.

Reducing waste is the most important thing we can do. It saves energy because not as many products are manufactured, and also it saves the hassle of finding ways to dispose of it. I mean there are only so ways to upcycle a plastic bottle. After a certain point, we should try to reduce the number we bring home altogether.  Here is a great article explaining why upcycling is important the other many benefits of upcycling.

Upcycling Facts

The History of Upcycling

Upcycling is not a new concept. Since the beginning of time. Even before humans, when trees would lose their leaves and the Earth would take it through the composting process to make rich, nutrient dense soil. Since the beginning of human kind, we’ve had to take what resources we could find and make them into what we needed.

However, in context of modern day and more consumer-based societies, entrepreneur Gunter Pauli first used the term in 1998.  Pauli is often referred to as “The Steve Jobs of Sustainability.”  He used the term in his book Upsizing: The Road to Zero Emissions- More Jobs, More Income and No Pollution.

The term became mainstream in 2002, when architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart published the book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.  Even the book itself was upcyclable. Cradle to Cradle was printed with soy-based ink on plastic pages.  The soy-based ink could be removed, so that another book could be printed on the pages, or the plastic could be upcycled into an equal or higher quality product.

The idea is finding new ways to address the non-renewable resources, global trash epidemic and other global social and environmental changes. McDonough and Braungart challenged us, designers and innovators across industry to remake the way we make things.

Upcycling Projects

I share all my favorite upcycling projects on my Facebook page Upcycle Warrior. You can also check out the DIY and upcycling ideas on this blog.

Upcycling Blogs

So to complete this post, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite upcycling blogs where I get some of the best inspiration.


This website is awesome! Upcycleart has over 5.7k upcycling ideas and the best part is that they are from people all over the world. So if you don’t want to maintain your own website then you can still inspire others and contribute your work there.

My Repurposed Life

Man this girl can pump out several posts a week. I’m not sure how she does it, but she has created a library of amazing repurposed projects out common materials for people like you and me.

Upcycle That

I mostly follow this on Facebook, but they also have a great website that takes contributors. I love it because they show it’s possible that no matter where you live, or how much money you have, anyone can be an upcycler.

Recycled Crafts

CraftGossip Recycling is all about the variety of projects people come up with to live an eco-friendly yet pretty and festive lifestyle. This is another great website to submit your upcycling ideas too.

Salvage Sister and Mister

Salvage Sister, also known as Deborah, really one of the coolest people ever runs this blog and gave me the honor of being one of the admins of her upcycling Facebook group Upcycle Sharin. It’s awesome group if you’re interested in getting lots of great upcycling ideas.

The purpose behind Salvage Sister and Mister is to inspire others to be good stewards of what they have. They cover DIY, upcycle, home design, recipes to reduce food waste, thrifting, simple living, and salvage travel.

Repurposing Junkie

At Repurposing Junkie you will find mostly repurposing projects, furniture makeovers, stenciling projects, stencil cut files, free printables, DIY tips and tutorials. I hope this website is inspiring and helpful.

Anastasia Vintage

This blog is so cute. They share projects, printables, tips and tricks, and everyday adventures in thrifting. Check it out as they find vintage treasures to turn their house and yours into homes filled with character and warmth!

The Boondocks Blog

The Boondocks Blog is another one of my favorites. She can truly upcycle just about everything. She likes to re-purpose and up-cycle anything that is old or looks like junk.  Join her to use our creativity to spark some life into old things.  And do it frugally!

Sadie Season Goods

This blog is dedicated to approachable repurposing and upcycling projects using vintage treasures and thrifted finds! I love it as I can really feel her fundamental need to repurpose and upcycle the broken, the neglected, and the tossed- and to avoid buying new whenever possible. She hopes to encourage others to live a more creative, less disposable life…and to “think outside the box [store]”!

Lovely Etc.

Lovely Etc. is all about decorating, creating, repurposing, simplifying and making your home truly yours…all on your real life budget for your real life family.

And there you have it! I hope this post answered the basic questions of why upcycling is important and the best way to incorporate upcycling more in everyday life. Please leave a comment with your favorite way to get upcycling inspiration!

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A basic post to explain why upcycling is important, benefits and where to find the best upcycling information and inspiration on the web!

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