DIY, Sustainable Living

How to Find Your Beautiful Treasures

What is Perfect?

Who determines where we find beautiful treasures? Who decides what is useful or perfect? A blogger buddy of mine, Kristin at The Peculiar Treasure, recently wrote a blog post challenging us to look beyond our imperfections in appearance. While we all struggle with insecurities on how we look, she encouraged us to post a selfie or a photo to show our worth has nothing to do with our appearance. I accepted this challenge to find the beautiful treasures, but with my own spin.

It's easy to focus on our imperfections, but instead we should find beauty in the small things. Check out this post on how to find your beautiful treasures.

Now, a side note here is that I am obsessed about upcycling. So obsessed, that in just about any conversation, I’ll hear something that reminds me of upcycling. For those just joining us, upcycling is reusing (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original. This hose, for example, can be turned in a wreath. These cat litter buckets can be turned into a vermicomposting factory.

Hidden Treasures

It’s, of course, no surprise that as I read her post, that I immediately think about upcycling. It’s through my upcycling projects that I have been able see beautiful treasures everywhere. Over the years, God has helped me to see that my self worth has nothing to do with my appearance. Just like something used or even tossed away, doesn’t have anything to do with it’s usefulness. He gave  me this passion and it’s a passion that hasn’t dimmed one bit since I first stumbled onto it a few years ago.

It has helped me through so much in finding my self-worth. I used to feel useless, like I had nothing to offer the world. I was angry, depressed and struggled to make it through school just so I could shut myself up in my room. Not just because of my appearance but because of who I was as a person. I just didn’t like myself and I wanted to to keep others from being burdened with my presence.

Finding My Own Beautiful Treasures

It might seem silly to some, but through these projects I have been able to understand what God sees when He looks at me. Sometimes, I feel like a crumbled up piece of wrapping paper that’s served it’s purpose. Upcycling has shown me to look beyond that.  Now I see potential in that paper, just like He sees my potential. Instead of crumbled up wrapping paper, I see bows. These add just a touch of care to someone’s gift to make them feel extra special.

Or my favorite, plastic bags. They blow around lost in the wind, which is how I feel at times. But someone else had the foresight and care to make plarn instead. I learned how too. Instead of wasting these bags, I make the plarn to crochet new bags for homeless to carry their items in. It might seem silly to some or a waste of time, but it’s going show someone that they have beautiful treasures inside too. What beautiful treasures could you look for?

We cut up 36 bags, to make 576 yards of plarn to make one bag for someone in need.

What beautiful treasures are we missing?

I feel like that’s what God is doing with me. As much as I feel useless and like a failure in so many areas, I can feel God working on me. Turning my scars into something beautiful, something that can be used to help others. A lot of people walk around feeling useless, but the fact is just like creators who work with ‘trash’, God is working with us to make us into something new and better. Beautiful treasures, unexpected treasures. I want you to know that you are not useless, just because people can’t see your worth, God does. You are His masterpiece and it takes time to finish those.

Just like this upcycled ‘trash’, God uses us to make the world beautiful. He doesn’t care what we look like just as long as we are using our strengths for His work. If we do as God has called us, then our appearance won’t matter. We can inspire others to look beyond our outside and see how beautiful people are in the outside.

So I encourage you to look beyond your appearance. See beauty in the fallen and imperfect. We all have a purpose and we need to use that purpose to help others see they too are #thebeautifultreasures in life!

Save this pinspiration for later! It's easy to focus on our imperfections, but instead we should find beauty in the small things. Check out this post on how to find your beautiful treasures.





20 thoughts on “How to Find Your Beautiful Treasures

  1. This is such a good way of looking at things. I love it, and thanks so much for sharing your beautiful heart. I love your bags, they are gorgeous just like you are inside and out!

    1. Awww, that’s cool. Sometimes even the converted need a little extra encouragement to keep going. Happy Repurposing!

  2. I love your concept behind upcycling and making something beautiful that is often discarded or overlooked. I’m touched that you have found something that makes you realize how wonderful you are and the potential you have. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

    1. Awww, you’re so welcome. I hope the practice of finding something beautiful in the overlooked helps many more people realize their own potential. Thanks for reading!

  3. There is a group in the Atlanta area who tear up plastic bags in such a way that they can knit or crochet them together. They use them to make mats for the homeless to sleep on. Now, this makes me wonder what else can be made from those bags.

    1. Yes! I’m actually making bags for homeless people to be able to carry their stuff, but I’ve seen lots of people making the beds. It makes me so happy! Making plarn and crocheting is so much fun and I love to see it go to benefit someone else.

  4. […] From there, I learned all I could and waste management issues is the cause that caught my attention. I became obsessed in learning all I could about the waste in the vicious cycle of consumerism. I became even more obsessed when I learned about upcycling and it changed my whole outlook on life. Before, I was so pessimistic, but just knowing that someone could make such beautiful things out of trash was nothing short of a miracle. Instead of seeing myself as a waste, I saw myself as a work in progress. […]

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